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I have always been fascinated by marine life and my passion for investigating ecological and evolutionary processes and patterns within island systems sprung to life as an undergrad at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. I was taking a marine evolution and ecology course when I learned about researchers investigating species distributions through space and time. I was captivated and soon became involved in research involving marine organisms within island systems and the field of biogeography. When we think of islands, terrestrial oceanic or continental islands may come to mind but in the littoral realm of island archipelagos, in marine lakes, in freshwater lakes, on seamounts, around atolls, and on guyots live marine organisms that are isolated from other populations and communities similar to de novo and habitat terrestrial islands. I seek to explore how communities and populations develop and evolve within these peripheral environments.

I currently work in the lab of Michael Dawson at the University of California, Merced. My primary research focus is island biogeography exploring the framework of the General Dynamic Model in the marine lakes of Palau through community and population ecology and evolution. Before graduate school, I worked with Peter Marko at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa investigating the population connectivity of Echinometra matheai sea urchins, throughout the Indo-West Pacific. This experience developed my resolve to pursue graduate school.

Current Projects

My dissertation at UC Merced:

I am using the marine lakes of Palau to investigate the early stages of the general dynamic model by studying the current community and population structures across a distribution of stratified and mixed lakes using a variety of techniques–fish surveys, whole-genome-sequencing, geometric morphometrics, stable isotopes, and RNA sequencing.

Side Projects:

As part of the California Conservation Genomics Project, I am writing the genome note for Tetraclita rubescens and performing the population genetic analyses for the barnacle's distribution within the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem.


I am affiliated with the following communities either as a member, grantee, or student:

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